07 August 2011

Participant Contract

In addition to extrinsic rewards like the welcome gifts (jumpdrive, passbook, text, treasured RWP merchandise) and intrinsic rewards (knowledge, fun, support, resources, camaraderie), ATI2011 participation also comes with a $500 stipend: $250 upon completion of all six August, September, and October sessions and $250 upon completion of your workshop (or approved project). 

In order to reap these extrinsic and intrinsic benefits, you really must:
  • Bring morning munchies once during our run.
  • Attend all sessions.
  • Attempt everything on the agenda. You don’t have to fall in love with everything we do, and after you’ve tried everything, you can vow never to use/do it again, but we do ask that you try everything. Otherwise, how will you know how well it fits?
  • Undertake a modest technology project of your choosing to launch with your students during the school year—and please do pick something in which you are interested, not just something pressed on you from above, below, or next to you. This is your time.
  • Develop and deliver a workshop based on your tech project. If you don’t want to or can’t give a workshop, you may negotiate an alternative project with the RWP TechTeam.
  • Arrange and attend a coaching session if you give a workshop; participate in someone else’s coaching session if you do not give a workshop.
  • Participate in school-year support sessions as scheduled.
  • Contribute by lending moral support to your colleagues.
  • Notify Tracy if you want to cloak any of your material once we go public in spring 2012. (We will keep our work private during the 2011-2012 school year, but we would like to “publish” our work and activities at the end of that period. We will respect your privacy, of course; we just need to know what you want kept out of the limelight.)
We acknowledge that the money isn’t great, but we can promise that ATI2011 will deliver that for which the Writing Project is rightfully famous: sanctioned time and support to do the things in our classrooms that we already want to do.

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